2023 Mary Beth Maddox Awardee Featured in MD Anderson Blaffer Lecture Series
Dr. McAllister presented her lecture, Microbial Matters in Pancreatic Cancer, on her seminal discoveries at the intersection of microbes, the immune system and pancreatic cancer.
“It was amazing to get the opportunity to share my work at my home institution of MD Anderson and I can’t wait to continue to give lectures at the other NCI-Designated Cancer Centers across Texas,” said 2023 Mary Beth Maddox Award and Lectureship Recipient Florencia McAllister, M.D., MD Anderson Cancer Center. “I feel very lucky to have been selected for the 2023 Mary Beth Maddox Award and Lectureship from TAMEST and in addition to the lectures am grateful for the chance to tour, network and hopefully one day even collaborate with the leadership and innovators at such groundbreaking cancer institutions throughout our state.”
In addition to being honored at the TAMEST 2023 Annual Conference back in May, Dr. McAllister will promote her work and discoveries across the state at established lecture and seminar series at TAMEST member institutions with NIH National Cancer Institute Designated Cancer Centers.
Dr. McAllister will also present her work at UT Health San Antonio’s Ground Rounds on November 16, Baylor College of Medicine’s Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center on January 23 and at the UT Southwestern Medical Center’s Excellence in Immunology Seminar Series (in partnership with Simmons Cancer Center) on May 22.
“We are so pleased to be able to offer the recipients of the Mary Beth Maddox Award and Lectureship this traveling lecture component to amplify their work at cancer centers in Texas,” said TAMEST Program Director Stephanie Shaw. “Our hope is that enabling tours and networking opportunities of the top cancer centers in Texas in conjunction with the lectureships, will help shine a spotlight on the work and careers of our recipients and help move cancer research forward in our state.”
In addition to a $5,000 prize, The Mary Beth Maddox Award and Lectureship covers the recipient’s travel and lodging for the lectures and includes organized visits and networking at the NCI Cancer Centers.
Nominations for the 2024 Mary Beth Maddox Award and Lectureship closed on September 25, 2023. The recipient will be announced in December 2023.
Visit the Mary Beth Maddox Award and Lectureship website to learn more about the program. Learn more about the Mary Beth Maddox Lecture Series here.