TAMEST Welcomes Nine New Members and One Current Member to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
TAMEST is proud to welcome the nine new members and congratulate current member Rena Bizios, Ph.D. (NAM, NAE), The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), on their election to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in 2022.
The 10 elected also include 2017 TAMEST Conference Speaker Donald Nathan Meeham, Ph.D. (NAE), CMG Petroleum Consulting Ltd., and 2008 TAMEST Protégé Pradeep Sharma, Ph.D. (NAE), University of Houston.
Meet our new NAE members:

Richard G. Baraniuk, Ph.D. (NAE), C. Sidney Burrus Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University.
For the development and broad dissemination of open educational resources and for foundational contributions to compressive sensing.

Rena Bizios, Ph.D. (NAM, NAE), Lutcher Brown Endowed Chair Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at San Antonio.*
For contributions to the theory and applications of cellular tissue engineering, cell/biomaterial interactions, and surface modification biomaterials.
*Dr. Bizios was elected to the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) in 2015.

Alan C. Bovik, Ph.D. (NAE), Cockrell Family Regents Endowed Chair in Engineering and professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin.
For contributions to the development of tools for image and video quality assessment.

Mladen Kezunovic, Ph.D. (NAE), Regents Professor and Eugene E. Webb Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University.
For contributions to automated analysis of power system faults, and leadership in education in protective relaying.

Nathan Meehan, Ph.D. (NAE), President, CMG Petroleum Consulting Ltd.*
For technical and business innovation in the application of horizontal well technology for oil and gas production.
*Dr. Meehan was a speaker at the 2017 TAMEST Annual Conference in San Antonio.

Pradeep Sharma, Ph.D. (NAE), M.D. Anderson Chair Professor and department chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston.*
For establishing the field of flexoelectricity, leading to the creation of novel materials and devices and insights in biophysical phenomena.
*Dr. Sharma was a TAMEST Protégé in 2008.

Vijay P. Singh, Ph.D. (NAE), Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor, and Caroline & William N. Lehrer Distinguished Chair, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M University.
For contributions to wave modeling and development of entropy-based theories of hydrologic processes and hydroclimatic extremes.

Leon Thomsen, Ph.D. (NAE), Chief Scientist, Delta Geophysics Inc; Research Professor of Geophysics, University of Houston.
For contributions to seismic anisotropy concepts that produced major advances in subsurface analysis.

David West (NAE), Corporate Fellow, Corporate Research and Innovation, Saudi Basic Industries Corp.
For solutions to problems with technological, commercial, and societal impacts while advancing chemical sciences by applying reaction engineering fundamentals.

Karen E. Willcox, Ph.D. (NAE), Director, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin.
For contributions to computational engineering methods for the design and optimal control of high-dimensional systems with uncertainties.
TAMEST will officially recognize these members at the TAMEST 2023 Conference in Houston, TX.