2014 O’Donnell Awards Recipients

2014 O’Donnell Award recipients Zhifeng Ren, James Walker, Richard Bruick and Thomas Truskett.
The 2014 award recipients include: medicine awardee Dr. Bruick for studies on cellular responses to maintain oxygen and iron homeostasis that have helped lay the foundation for the development of small molecule therapeutics; engineering awardee Dr. Truskett for fundamental contributions in three areas—self-assembly at the nanoscale, dynamics of confined liquids and structural arrest of complex fluids—that are important for applications ranging from biomedical imaging to the delivery of therapeutic proteins; science awardee Dr. Ren for seminal contributions to five scientific fields: carbon nanotubes, thermoelectrics, zinc oxide nanowires, high temperature superconductivity and molecule delivery/sensing; and technology innovation awardee Dr. Walker for his pioneering work, development and modeling in impact theory, penetration mechanics, material characterization and response under dynamic loading.

Richard Bruick, Ph.D.
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Thomas M. Truskett, Ph.D.
The University of Texas at Austin

Zhifeng Ren, Ph.D.
University of Houston
Technology Innovation

James Walker, Ph.D.
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)