TAMEST Welcomes Six New Member Institutions in 2023

TAMEST is proud to welcome six new member institutions in 2023.
The new institutions include Baylor University, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, The University of Texas at El Paso, The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and University of North Texas Health Science Center.
TAMEST member institutions are vital partners in fulfilling TAMEST’s mission. Their support strengthens and expands our efforts to foster the next generation of researchers and innovators, increases collaboration across disciplines and addresses critical issues that are important to the state.
The addition of these new institutions is thanks to top-tier recruitment to Texas and an increasing number of scientists and researchers elected to the National Academies across the state. The TAMEST Board of Directors has also recently expanded member institution eligibility to include research universities designated as Carnegie R1 and medical centers designated Carnegie Special Focus Four-Year Research Institutions in the state.
“We work to lift up all Texas research and innovation to help recruit and retain top talent and draw awareness to the incredible research at our research universities, medical centers and companies and research institutes in Texas,” said TAMEST 2023 Board President Brendan Lee, M.D., Ph.D. (NAM), Baylor College of Medicine. “TAMEST’s unique interdisciplinary model has become an effective recruitment tool for research and industry in our state. Welcoming additional top-tier research institutions to our organization helps amplify our work and mission and better serve our community.”
The six new member institutions will officially be welcomed at the opening reception of the TAMEST 2023 Annual Conference on May 23, 2023, in Houston, Texas.
To see a full list of TAMEST Member Institutions, click here.