Three Texans Elected to the National Academy of Medicine at Annual Meeting
TAMEST is proud to welcome three new members, including a past TAMEST Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award recipient, elected to the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) in 2023. The three were among the 90 members and 10 international members elected who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievement and commitment to service.
New members include TAMEST 2023 Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award Recipient in Medicine Jennifer A. Wargo, M.D. (NAM), MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Wargo is the 16th past O’Donnell Award recipient to be elected to one of the three National Academies. Three have been elected to multiple academies.
Election to the NAM is considered one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine and recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievement and commitment to service.
Meet our new members:
Rebecca Anne Seguin-Fowler, Ph.D. (NAM), Co-Director, Institute for Advancing Health Agriculture and Professor of Nutrition, Texas A&M University
For being a leading authority on community-engaged research in the areas of diet and physical activity interventions for obesity and chronic disease prevention among rural, low-income, older adult, minority, and other at-risk, underserved populations. Her innovative work and leadership have advanced knowledge related to social and environmental contextual factors to advance implementation and dissemination research to achieve health equity.
Catherine Y. Spong, M.D. (NAM), Professor and Paul C. MacDonald Distinguished Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UT Southwestern Medical Center
For her international leadership, both at NIH during the ZIKA epidemic and at UT Southwestern during the COVID-19 pandemic, that clearly demonstrated that clinical research translates into improved care for women and families.
Jennifer A. Wargo, M.D. (NAM), R. Lee Clark Endowed Professor of Surgical Oncology and Genomic Medicine and Founder and Director, Platform for Innovative Microbiome and Translational Research, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
TAMEST 2023 Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award in Medicine Recipient
For making fundamental and practice-changing contributions to our understanding of the response and resistance of melanoma to targeted therapy and immunotherapy. She pioneered the role of the tumor and gut microbiome in tumor biology and therapeutic response and translated these paradigmatic discoveries into novel clinical trials.
TAMEST will celebrate these elections and welcome all our new members at the opening reception of the TAMEST 2024 Annual Conference: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on February 5, 2024, in Austin, Texas.