National Academy of Engineering Elects Six Texans

TAMEST is pleased to welcome five new members as a result of the recent National Academy of Engineering (NAE) elections:
- M. Katherine Banks, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Engineering, Dean, Dwight Look College of Engineering, Professor of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University
- Thomas F. Edgar, Ph.D., Director of the Energy Institute, George T. and Gladys H. Abell Chair in Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
- Gregory L. Fenves, Ph.D., Executive Vice President and Provost, Professor, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, UT Austin
- Yale N. Patt, Ph.D., Ernest Cockrell, Jr. Centennial Chair in Engineering, Distinguished University Teaching Professor,
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UT Austin - Bob E. Schutz, Ph.D., Joe J. King Chair of Engineering, FSX Professor of Space Applications and Exploration, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, UT Austin
In addition, Naomi J. Halas, Ph.D., Stanley C. Moore Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics & Astronomy, Founding Director, Laboratory for Nanophotonics, Rice University, who was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2013, was also elected to the NAE.