TAMEST Recognizes UT Austin’s Office of the President with Kay Bailey Hutchison Distinguished Service Award

TAMEST is pleased to recognize the Office of the President at The University of Texas at Austin with the Kay Bailey Hutchison Distinguished Service Award.
The Kay Bailey Hutchison Distinguished Service Award was established in 2013 by TAMEST to recognize individuals and organizations who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in furthering TAMEST’s mission to bring together the state’s brightest minds in medicine, engineering, science and technology to foster collaboration, and to advance research, innovation and business in Texas.
“We are proud to recognize the Office of the President at UT Austin with the Kay Bailey Hutchison Distinguished Service Award for their continued support of and partnership with TAMEST,” said Amelie G. Ramirez, DrPH (NAM), TAMEST Board President. “TAMEST is honored to recognize this office for their vast and continued contributions to our organization.”
Through three university presidents (Larry R. Faulkner, William C. Powers Jr. and Gregory L. Fenves), the Office of the President has been a crucial partner and financial supporter of TAMEST. Their ongoing membership contributions, conference sponsorships and in-kind donations of office space, infrastructure and support has enabled TAMEST to grow and expand its reach, strengthening the research community across the state.
Named in honor of TAMEST’s Honorary Chair, Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison received the inaugural award for her vision and commitment to advancing scientific research, technology innovation and educational achievement.
The Office of the President at The University of Texas at Austin is the sixth recipient of this award. Others include: Exxon Mobil Corporation (2017), Larry Faulkner and Kenneth Jastrow (2016), Peter O’Donnell Jr. (2014), the Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison (2013).
TAMEST will present the award to UT Austin President Gregory L. Fenves, Ph.D. (NAE), at the opening reception of our annual conference, Innovating Texas–Research to Commercialization, January 7, 2020, in Dallas, Texas.