2022 TAMEST Edith and Peter O’Donnell Awards Committee Members Share Tips on Successful Nominations

On Thursday, March 25, TAMEST hosted a virtual workshop on the 2022 Edith and Peter O’Donnell Awards nomination and selection process.
TAMEST has recognized 63 recipients of the prestigious O’Donnell Awards since the program’s founding in 2006. The awards highlight the next generation of rising star Texas researchers transforming the fields of medicine, engineering, science and technology.
The conversation was hosted by 2022 O’Donnell Awards Committee Chair Ann Beal Salamone (NAE), Rochal Industries LLC; Science Subcommittee Member Bonnie Bartel, Ph.D. (NAS), Rice University; TAMEST Executive Director Terrence Henry; and TAMEST Director of Development Christine McCoy.
Topics covered included who can nominate, award eligibility requirements as well the renomination process. Video and slides of the presentation are available.
All nominations are due by April 30.
What you need to know
Who can nominate:
Nominations can be made by TAMEST members, university chancellors, presidents, provosts, vice presidents for research, deans or industry executives as well as past recipients of the award.
Who is eligible:
Nominees in medicine, engineering and science must be within 15 years of their first faculty appointment to be eligible. They must also have spent the past two years performing research in Texas.
For those nominated in technology innovation, the eligibility is 25 years from their first full-time, industry-affiliated position. The nominee must have been continually employed in the state of Texas for the past two years.
Members of the National Academies are not eligible for nomination.
If a nominee meets all eligibility requirements, they will be automatically renominated for the following two years after their initial nomination. Although not required, additional or updated information may be submitted for consideration in the review process for the following years.
If a nominator would like to withdraw a nominee, they may contact Christine McCoy at cmccoy@austin.utexas.edu or (512) 471-3979.
Selection Process:
A committee of TAMEST members will evaluate nominations and recommend the award recipients to a committee of Texas Nobel Laureates. The TAMEST Board of Directors provides final approval of award recipients.
*Note: All Medicine, Engineering and Science nominations are selected in consultation with a panel of National Academies members from outside of Texas. Technology Innovation committee members conduct their own site visits for the selected finalists in the Technology Innovation category.
What award recipients receive:
Awardees receive a $25,000 honorarium, a medal and are honored at TAMEST’s Annual Conference, where they present their research to the greater scientific community.
To date, 15 past O’Donnell Awards recipients have gone on to be elected to the National Academies.
For more information, view the nomination guides for the Medicine, Engineering and Science awards, the Technology Innovation award as well as a FAQ Guide of the most frequently asked nomination questions. For all other questions, please contact Christine McCoy at cmccoy@austin.utexas.edu or (512) 471-3979.