Attendee Screening
We ask that all participants be vaccinated against COVID-19. Participants experiencing symptoms of illness should not attend the event.

Safety and Distancing
Additional portable HEPA air filters will be utilized in the main conference venue and meeting spaces. Attendance will be limited to 50% occupancy of the venue.
Meals will be served by staff at buffets or plated. All meals will have a to-go option for those wishing to dine alone or outdoors. Additional outdoor spaces will be available for dining and networking.

Face Masks
Mask guidance is determined based upon recent levels of COVID-19 transmission in San Antonio and the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In accordance with their most recent guidelines, mask use will be optional during the event. You may choose to wear a mask at any time as an additional precaution to protect yourself and others.
For any questions, please contact TAMEST at (512) 471-3823 or tamest@austin.utexas.edu.